The essence of silence fills the dead air.

Not a single sound leaves their dormant mouth;

they couldn’t dare to talk,


Or even whisper.


Their minds are filling up to the rim.

Ideas, inputs, and opinions are swimming in their brains,

trapped behind bars, unable to be set free.


They are all there, always there,

standing and walking the town.

Looking, observing everything that’s happening.


But, their lips, they are sealed.

Locked up with the key thrown away;

thrown away by the overruling masters;

thrown away with their dignity.


Their minds are growing,

bigger and bigger and bigger,


and is almost going to explode.


But cannot; will not.


If it surpasses that line of obligation,

and the violent storm of thoughts exits through their mouth,

their words are set free,

ideas will fly around the air,

and opinions will enter the ears of all those around.


That’s when the footsteps start caving in.

(thump, thump)

You hear the raging knocks on your front door.

(bang, bang)

You feel thrill wave of fear and you freeze,

Freeze as the door slams open.



It’s too late.


Your body takes the consequences.

Your arms are tied behind your back,

your legs tremble with fear, shaking uncontrollably,

you’re treated like a monster


Fear is the only comprehensible emotion.

Fear of the masters,

fear of your voice,

fear of your urge, that urge;

the one that can’t seem to go away.


Your body is now behind metal bars;

cornered, captured, imprisoned.

Thrown away like a piece of garbage.


But you’re the lucky one.


Others face the end.

Death due to their voice.

Death due to that urge.

Death due to their goddamn words.


You know it’s unethical and horrendously wrong.

It’s hurting the innocent,

the victims,

the ones who are no longer with us.


you know you can’t do anything about it.


A whisper can travel miles.

A protest could put you behind bars


an action could get you killed.


You’re dead because you tried;

 tried to speak out,

to voice your concern,

wishing that your words will change their insights.


An effort to make a change.


They say,

“ Just tell them to stop; just talk.”


It’s not that easy.


We talk but their ears are sealed.

They see your mouth move and that’s their signal to pull the trigger;

they don’t listen.


They are blinded by their authority,

their superiority excites them,

and they take control.


They are supposed to stand for their country; their people.

But, why are they making their people stand down,

kneeling against the cold stoned cement floor,

their faces fighting the two bars preventing them from freedom.


They are suppose to help, lead them to prosperity.

But instead, they destroy,=; 

intentionally destroy the little humanity that is left.


They destroy one’s sense of security,




You are brave enough to allow your vocal cords to vibrate,

aimlessly even.

You can stand up, look them in the eyes, and protest.



So, you do fight back.

You do what is right;

morally right for the sanity of the ones left standing.

You allow your voice be carried by the wind.

You speak out; you’re the only voice in the atmosphere of silence,



you’re already dead.


Your rights are buried under the bloodshed.

They look at you and laugh, they chuckle.

They don’t care.


It’s unjust to be put in a cage

and never get a chance to be set free,

or die because you found the key to open your lips and speak out.


If you speak, you die.


I chose to write this poem after learning about the tragic events that has been occuring in Turkey. The unforgivably immoral treatment given to the citizens of the country is unheard of. I simply cannot imagine living your life in silence, where it’s not allowed for one to share their ideas and thoughts about the country they are living in. Having your voice controlled by another is nothing more than a disastrous lifestyle, and after researching about the events, I had to write about it to share it with others around me. My creative writing teacher had posted several links to websites about current events around the world that need a voice, so after choosing one that I found resonated with me, I chose this and started writing. I believe that everyone should have the chance to speak their concerns, share their ideas, and protest their rights. It’s only fair that way. My insight made it very hard to learn about the laws in Turkey, but I knew I just needed to write about it to spread the awareness.


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Confessions of a Professional Mom. August 12, 2013.